Static Electric Fieldmeter

Static Electric Fieldmeter
Its accuracy, stability and ease of use make it the leading
instrument in its class.The SE-SFM-030 Static Electric Fieldmeter has been developed to
enable industrial engineers to investigate static
electricity problems.
Its accuracy, stability and ease of use make it the leading
instrument in its class.
• The SE-SFM-030 measures static electricity on the surface of a
material or body at a distance of 100 mm.
• The meter can show where and how the static is
generated, its magnitude and its polarity.
• It can measure static electricity levels up to 200,000 V.
• Two ranges which are selected automatically:
- 0 - 20 kV with a resolution of 10 V.
- 20 - 200 kV with a resolution of 100 V.
• Accuracy at calibration: +/- 5 %.
• There is a ‘hold’ facility to freeze the reading on
the display.
• Comes complete with carrying case, battery and
earth cord.
• Static electricity is a difficult area to investigate
without a method of measurement.
• The SE-SFM-030 is an important quality and
safety tool. It enables the engineer to investigate
static problems, monitor the effectiveness of
solutions and set standards for acceptable
levels – whether in the process or on the product.
Static electricity is a potential problem in many industrial areas. It slows production, reduces product quality, attracts contaminants and gives shocks to operators. The SE-SFM-030 enables the engineer to investigate these static electricity problems scientifically. Static is a coulombic charge - forming current when it moves,
but difficult to measure when it is not moving. The SE-SFM-030 measures the surface voltage using Q=CV: the 100 mm reading distance is the constant capacitance which allows the voltage to vary directly with the charge.